March 28, 2025 – Planting winter wheat can offer numerous benefits, but to maximize your yield, it’s essential to carefully plan each step. Here are some practical tips on seeding dates and rates, nutrient management, and crop protection to ensure a successful harvest.
Optimum Planting Date:
- F – September 21st to 25th
- G – September 16th to 20th
- H – September 11th to 15th
Optimum Planting Rate: (1.4 to 1.5 million seeds/ac. For every week late, +100 000 seeds/ac) SeedingRate.ca
Nutrient Removal for 100 bushels: grain only (grain + straw)
N= 125 (210) P= 59 (72) K= 36 (163) N:S = 10:1
- P & K Broadcast in Fall or Spring (Part or all can be applied with the seed either MAP mixed with seed or banded).
- 1st Nitrogen Pass: Granular in Spring (often with P&K) OR liquid UAN.
- Should be applied as early as possible after stand assessment in the spring.
- 2nd Nitrogen Pass: Liquid UAN at around GS30 (stem elongation) depending on rain fall and weather conditions this can be earlier or later.
Crop Protection
- Herbicide*:
- Fall burndown before seeding is an option if severe weed pressure is observed.
- Typically: Infinity FX applied fall or spring depending on weed pressure.
- 2 leaf to prior to flag leaf emergence.
- Grass herbicide may also be necessary.
- Plant Growth Regulator (PGR)*: Helps shorten internodes to increase plant standability.
- Moddus applied at GS30-32 is optimum timing.
- Can be tank-mixed with herbicide or T1 fungicide (foliar).
- Moddus applied at GS30-32 is optimum timing.
- T3 Fungicide:
- Sphaerex or Prosaro Pro at flowering to protect against fusarium.
** Rule of 3’s: IMPORTANT for Spring applications. Maximum of 3 products tank mixed, 3°C or warmer for 3 days (day before, day of and day after application).
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