Du Jour

Our cooperative, proud of its roots and its values, has always sought to innovate in order to proudly offer the best. Faced with galloping globalization, many of you have expressed to us an interest in having a closer link to your food. The requirement for traceability and full transparency in the products available in stores has led us to create the “Du Jour” company. A company whose values are: Local, Eco-responsible, Fresh.
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what is du jour?

Located in the parking lot of the Independent in Embrun, Du Jour is a converted shipping container in which fresh herbs and lettuce are grown. This hydroponic farm is at the cutting edge of technology, allowing control of all the important and necessary factors for optimal growth. This therefore shortens the length of the growing cycle, allows for faster rotation, and results in higher yields in a smaller space. In short, the Du Jour container produces more while using less.

key points


In the context of a growing demand for locally produced fruits and vegetables, the consumer’s desire is to know the origin of the products they are consuming. Faced with the sometimes-astronomical distances traveled by food products, “Du Jour” makes it possible to produce and distribute our products in the same place and thus preserving their freshness.
In StroreIn Strore

Urban Agriculture & du jour

This innovative urban agriculture project targets not only the production of food products, but also social and environmental objectives. Urban agriculture is not replacement agriculture. We see it as a complement to the farming systems practiced by our members. We want farmers to be the driving force behind this new model.

As access to land is difficult in the city, the implementation of an aboveground technique without soil, without substrate, in water, and with the addition of organic fertilizers makes perfect sense in order to optimize the production of plants in urban spaces throughout the year. This is a project located in Embrun, and whose products are intended for the population of Embrun and its region.

Urban Agriculture


Our high-tech vertical farm is a place for the production of lettuces and herbs in a closed environment with a controlled atmosphere. Thanks to controlled lighting, hydrometry, CO2 concentration, and temperature, uniform throughout the year, this concept allows us to offer you lettuces and herbs year-round and thus reduce our dependence on imports. This model also guarantees a production without pesticides, insecticides, or GMOs.

The production technique we use is hydroponics, a cultivation technique where the roots of plants grow in nutrient water in a continuous flow. The circulation of water and organic fertilizers takes place in a closed cycle, which greatly reduces water and fertilizer consumption compared to other technical routes.

Thanks to the light weight of the device we can cultivate the plants on several levels, hence the denomination of vertical farm. This guarantees us a high yield for a relatively small footprint. The use of LED-type lighting is also essential for the overall function of the system. One of the advantages of LEDs is the ability to optimize the light spectrum according to the needs of the plant.

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Luminosity
  • CO2
  • Water – EC & pH

Urban Agriculture

Together for a healthy diet

A used marine refrigerated container is used to accommodate this technology is also a way to preserve our environment. We can thus allow you to consume locally grown products in an eco-responsible way all year round! By cultivating as close as possible to our consumers, we are playing the card of transparency, of the traceability of our products, because we owe it to you!
Urban Agriculture

Where to du jour products

Du Jour products, the lettuces and herbs all local and ultra-fresh, harvested each morning and available every day at the Embrun Independent!

Come find them in the fresh produce aisle!

Fresh herbs in grocery store display
Urban Agriculture